Weekday Recipes From Katie Austin
This week I wanted to share some of my favorite simple, healthy and delicious recipes. The best part about all of these recipes? They are all only five ingredients or less! Most of these recipes you can also use for meal prep, which is key if you are like me and always on the go.
These meals are all vegetarian friendly, but feel free to add your favorite source of protein if you’d like. Some of my favorite protein additions include grilled chicken, steak, ground turkey, salmon, tuna, turkey burger, plant-based protein and tofu.
I also wanted to quickly note that I made all these recipes with two servings in mind. This way you can share with your roommate, best friend, partner or whoever else you want to cook for. You could also save the other serving for another meal the next day. Hope you enjoy these recipes and if you are looking for more I have hundreds on my site: https://katieaustin.tv/category/food/
Stuffed Pepper Breakfast
Serves 2

- ½ cup ground lean turkey meat (vegetarian alternative: shiitake bacon, veggie sausage)
- 1 bell pepper
- 2 eggs
- Handful of cilantro
- 1 tablespoon chopped chives
Slice the peppers into one-inch horizontal circles. To do this, turn a pepper on its side, and cut straight down. Saute peppers in a bit of olive oil for about 5-7 minutes, turning the circles over at least once. Add a bit more olive oil into the pan (to help the egg not stick) and crack the eggs into the peppers. Sprinkle in the chives. After the egg is cooked sunny side up, top with cilantro!
Protein Pancake
Serves 2

- 2 scoops flavorless (or chocolate or vanilla!) protein powder
- 1 banana
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 3 eggs, only 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites
Grab a big bowl. Scramble the eggs. Add in the protein powder and mix. Take a fork and squish the banana to throw it into the mixture. Add in the cinnamon. Place into small pancakes on a skillet (I use coconut oil spray). Cook on each side for about 2-3 minutes until golden brown. I like to top mine with some almond butter and fruit!
Quinoa Arugula (Optional Walnuts) Salad
Serves 2

- 1/2 cup quinoa
- 2-3 cups arugula
- 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
- 1 avocado, sliced
- Dressing: 1 clove of garlic, crushed. 1 tablespoon olive oil, ¼ lemon squeezed, salt and pepper to taste
Follow directions on packaging on how to make quinoa. Once cooked, let it sit to cool. While cooling, create the base of the salad with your arugula. Next add your parmesan cheese and avocado slices. For the dressing, set aside a small bowl to whisk ingredients together. Feel free to use just plain olive oil, a low-fat Italian dressing or balsamic for this salad, too. Toss salad and dressing.
Tomato Burrata Salad
Serves 2

- 1 cup cherry tomatoes
- 1/2 cup burrata
- 2-3 cups arugula
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Optional bread crisp
First, cook tomatoes in a pan with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. Cook until a little bit browned/cooked. Next, combine arugula with an olive oil dressing. Pour cooked tomatoes on top, then the burrata. Enjoy with an optional bread crisp! A little bit like bruschetta :) Salt and pepper more to taste.
Taco Bowl
Serves 2

- 1 cup brown rice
- ½ can black beans
- ½ diced pepper
- ½ cup diced tomatoes
- Handful of cilantro
- Optional: avocado, romaine lettuce, cheese
Cook brown rice according to the package. Slice onion, peppers, tomatoes and other optional veggies. Saute veggies on the stove top on medium heat with a little olive oil for about 10 minutes. Heat beans separately, either in a pan or in the microwave. Once rice is ready, place in a bowl. Add in warm beans and sauteed veggies. Top the bowl with fresh cilantro to taste. If you don’t want cilantro or want to add more flavor, this bowl is great with avocado, romaine lettuce and cheese. Yum!