‘Beyond the Gaze: Jule Campbell’s Swimsuit Issue’ Premieres at Woodstock Film Festival Tonight

The moment has finally arrived: Beyond the Gaze: Jule Campbell’s Swimsuit Issue, directed by Jill Campbell, is set to premiere at the Woodstock Film Festival this evening.
Jule Campbell, the founding editor of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, is the subject matter of daughter-in-law Jill’s documentary. The film explores Jule’s life and career as a woman who broke glass ceilings in a male-dominated industry, and features interviews with models and SI Swimsuit moguls like Christie Brinkley, Tyra Banks, Elle Macpherson, Paulina Porizkova, Kathy Ireland and Carol Alt.
After briefly working at Glamour, Jule landed a job as an assistant in the fashion department at Sports Illustrated. She was instrumental in the creation of the very first SI Swimsuit Issue, released in 1964, and Jule’s groundbreaking vision led to the invention of the supermodel. She was adamant about featuring models’ names within the pages of the magazine, which was simply unheard of at the time.
The world premiere of Beyond the Gaze, which will take place at the Woodstock Playhouse at 7:30 p.m. ET tonight, is already sold out and will feature a post-screening Q&A with Jill Campbell, as well as brand supermodels Banks, Alt and Stacey Williams.
Additionally, producers Jonathan Gray and Rob Lyons, as well as executive producer Sharon Cooney Shuttleworth, will be in attendance at the event, which will also feature a cocktail reception.
“Jule possessed a magnetism that was born out of contradiction. She lived a glamorous life, traveling every inch of the world working with the most iconic models, photographers and journalists of her day, but what made her special was her deep sense of empathy and the authentic interest she took in the lives of those around her, whether she had known them for 10 minutes or 30 years,” Jill told SI Swimsuit following Jule’s death in December of 2022. “She was at once classically refined and wholly modern, a beauty and a career girl who waited to get married, choosing not to wear a wedding ring because she ‘never wanted to feel beholden to anyone.’”
Following the world premiere screening tonight, Beyond the Gaze will premiere at the Newport Beach International Film Festival on Oct. 23, the Montclair Film Festival on Oct. 26, and DOC NYC on Nov. 17. Visit beyondthegazefilm.com for details and find tickets to screenings here.
Watch the trailer for Beyond the Gaze: Jule Campbell’s SI Swimsuit Issue, produced by Red Barn Productions LLC. and executive-produced by EUE/Screen Gems Documentaries LLC., here.