Brooks Nader Shares Scary Stalking Story Involving an Air Tag

Brooks Nader’s social media is usually filled with fashion, fitness and generally fun content. But this morning, the SI Swimsuit model shared a truly terrifying story that all should be aware of. While at an upscale bar in New York City, someone slipped an Apple Air Tag into her coat pocket and tracked the 25-year-old for hours. She didn’t learn about the tracking until 11:30 p.m. when she walked home alone.
“I was at a restaurant/bar in Tribeca waiting on someone alone and had my coat on the chair behind me,” she said in an Instagram story video. “Then I went to meet some girlfriends at a bar nearby. I didn’t get any notifications. Then I went to the next spot, no notifications. Then, stupidly, I was walking home alone because I live in the neighborhood. Around 11:30 p.m., I was already on my walk home when I got the notifications that said someone is tracking you and has been for a while. So I freaked out. And then, of course, my phone died. So, my man was freaking out.”
Nader continued, “It turns out it was an Air Tag, a tiny little white circular thing that Apple makes, and it’s used for horrible, horrible things.” After doing some research, the model learned that people have been placing Air Tags in people’s cars to stalk them for human trafficking and other criminal actions. “I had no idea that these existed until it happened to me,” she added.
Given the scare, Nader said she’s sharing her story to raise awareness to protect other women. “Watch your belongings and look out for the notification,” she said. “And check your surroundings. It was the scariest moment ever, and I just want everyone to be aware that this exists.”
Her other piece of advice? Not to post your location on social media until after you’re already home. “I’ve learned my lesson the hard way,” she said.