SI Swimsuit Athlete 2020: Courtney Conlogue
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
1) The ability to learn faster/more. I am reading a book called Limitless and it has been a huge eye opener for me about not wanting to live forever but to do as much as I can with the time I have. I have always been a doer and someone who always wants to learn new things. To be able to learn things faster would enable me to have the capability to accomplish more during my time here
2) My family to always be healthy
3) Peace
If you could personally witness any event in history, what would it be?
Either witnessing the first flight or, while this isn’t really an event, meeting Leonardo DaVinci.

What is something that you have never done that you want to do?
I have a whole list: 1) Solo sky dive; 2) Oahu paddle from Molokai; 3) See the Seven Wonders of the World; 4) Climb Half Dome; 5) Visit Yosemite and all the National Parks; 6) Drive Route 66; and 7) Fly private
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
I was in France for a competition and won. I was walking off the beach at the event area with my trophy, two surfboards, three wetsuits, my prep bag and towels. In France, the sand is very deep and tiring to walk through especially after being in the sun all day and competing. They have a boardwalk to get over the dunes when you’re not feeling like trudging through deep sand and gaining buns of steel. However, because so many people were going on and off the beach throughout the day, the boardwalk was lifted from the sand about a half-foot to a foot.
As I arrived on the boardwalk, my left foot stepped onto my wetsuit that was hanging over my board and it stretched out a bit. Then my right foot hit and didn’t clear the boardwalk. All of the sudden I found myself falling in a reverse worm style and landing in a belly flop as I was trying to protect my trophy and surfboards. I was so exhausted that I just laiy there for what felt like minutes. Everyone was leaving the beach from the competition and saw this happen but nobody helped me up! As I got up from my fall, someone approached me and asked for the
T-shirt I was wearing! All I could do was laugh, visualizing what I must have looked like falling from all different vantage points. My team that was with me was in stitches behind me all the way to the car.
There was also the time when I had a three-mile cross country race in high school. Back then I was not very in tune with proper nutrition before a race. I ate a chili-cheese dog or a bean and cheese burrito. At the end of the competition my good friend Jackie came up to me and asked what was in my nose. Turns out it was a bean! We were both laughing, I ran the whole race with a bean in my nose.
What’s the most regrettable beauty trend you’ve ever tried?
I tried to be a hairstylist when I was younger and decided it was a good idea to not only cut my stuffed animals’ hair but my hair as well. I ended up having patches of hair and bald spots all over my head. My dad decided the only option for repair was to buzz my head. I was given the nickname GI Jane.
If you could hear one song performed live by any musician what would it be?
“Imagine” by John Lennon. This is one of my favorites. Also, any Elvis Presley or Chuck Berry performance and song.
What’s something people wouldn’t know about you?
People would be surprised to find out that I am actually kind of girly. I love manicures, facials and watching chick-flicks. I am also terrified of snakes, spiders and needles.

In a world of influencers, who influences you most?
For me, influences start with my family. They have inspired me to be strong, humble, grateful, and tenacious. They taught a lot about morals and ethics in our home. I am continuously inspired by their actions and I look up to my siblings a lot.
What motivates or inspires you?
When I was younger, I was inspired by proving to myself that I was capable and proving others wrong. Now, my inspiration comes with generating a powerful path that others can follow and then pave their own way. I came into surfing enjoying the sport and lifestyle. The sport has been developing and evolving over the years and my goal is to leave it lightyears from where it started. I want to move it as far as I can during my lifetime.
I am also inspired by my dream that I had since I was in fourth grade, to become a world champion. Through all of the highs and lows I keep moving forward. Whenever I feel down, my family is there for a wakeup call and to rekindle that fire. I want to continue to put one foot in front of the other and be the best version of myself every day.
Do you have a self-care ritual or a creative pursuit?
I paint. This is a place where I can go when I do not know what to write and it always brings me back to the present moment. To relax, I’ll take baths with candles and bath bombs, facials and comedies.
What’s the worst holiday gift you ever received?
Three days before Christmas I got a parking ticket when my car broke down during street cleaning day. It was pouring rain. I had already called the tow truck and was with my car and the lady still wrote me a ticket because I couldn’t move my car for the street sweeper to come through. That was a bummer.
What’s your guilty pleasure snack?
How about three? Hot Cheetos, ice cream, and chips and salsa.
Looking back, what advice would you give to your 14-year-old self?
Believe, dream, plan, give back and share with others. Share your passions because that can be really contagious and bring a lot of joy. Always stay true to yourself and maintain your authenticity.