Damaris Lewis sizzles at annual Garden of Dreams Foundation Prom

Photo courtesy of MSG
Damaris Lewis is no longer in high school but she certainly knows how to enjoy a prom. For the third straight year, Damaris served as Chairwoman for the annual Garden of Dreams Foundation Prom at Madison Square Garden. The event, which was held earlier this month, brings 100 children (age 14-18) together for a night of dinner, dancing and surprises.
The 100 children are from the Foundation’s partner organization, Police Athletic League of NYC, as well as children from the Foundation’s hospital and wish partner organizations. The Foundation puts on this memorable event for children who may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience prom. The day starts out at the Affinia Hotel where the teens are treated to hair and makeup provided by Bumble and bumble and MAC. They then boarded a party bus to MSG, where they walked the red carpet into prom.

Photo by Yu Tsai

Photo by Yu Tsai
And if you're wondering about the surprise, it came in the form of a music performance by RUN DMC’s Darryl McDaniels & DLOW. All in all, it was a good night for Damaris and the 100 children lucky enough to be her prom date.

PHOTO GALLERY: See more of Damaris Lewis in the SI Swimsuit Issue

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