Designer Spotlight Sale: Bikini Thief

Every Monday, SwimDaily will feature a flash sale highlighting different companies that contribute to the SI Swimsuit Issue. This week, we are proud to feature Bikini Thief.
Flash Sale Details: 50% off Ipanema, Lucy Vincent and Sophia
Weekly Discount Code: SISWIM for 20% off all products
Original Price: $74
Price after 50% discount: $37
Lucy Vincent
Original Price: $68
Price after 50% discount: $34
Original Price: $96
Price after 50% discount: $48
SwimDaily: Give me some background on your company. When did it start? Any interesting start up stories?
Whitney Andresen: It started after I moved to New York. I took a trip to Thailand and while laying on a beach there, reflecting on my life, looking around at all these ridiculously happy people running around in bathing suits, it just dawned on me, I want to design swimwear for women. I want to send people off on adventures around the world with a little piece of something I made for them.
SwimDaily: What philosophies are important to the success of your company?
Whitney Andresen: To remain grateful, and to be a source of support for women. First and foremost by making suits that make women feel feminine and beautiful. But beyond that I realized through struggles in my own life that it’s really important for women to support each other. The world of fashion is very caddy, shallow, and competitive, and swimwear brings out the insecurities in all of us. That really makes me sad. Starting this season the liner of all my suits will have little phrases and words of inspiration to women, to remind each of us that we are beautiful and unique and should celebrate and love who we are. I’m also starting to work with a local women’s shelter in Venice, called Harvest Home. Right now all I can offer is my time, and donate swimwear when I can. Once my company is making real profits I hope to financially support and align myself with organizations that help mentor women and support self-esteem building programs for women and young girls. As women I believe it is so important that we hold each other up and support each other.
SwimDaily: Where did the name of your company come from?
Whitney Andresen: That’s a secret. But put it this way, the ultimate bikini thief girl doesn’t limit herself or let anyone push her around. You have to grab life by the balls and go after what you want. The worst that can happen is you fail….you can’t be afraid of failure. Someone tried to push me around, and my answer was Bikin Thief.
SwimDaily: Have you spotted any celebrities wearing you products?
Whitney Andresen: YES, we have spotted Cameron Diaz, Megan Fox, Kate Bosworth, Kim Kardashian, Olivia Munn to name a few. Im always shocked and flattered when I’m flipping through a magazine and see one of my suits on someone. It’s awesome! The best though was when my brother was in Las Vegas and took a photo with a random girl by the pool who was wearing one of my suits. He recognized it, so he walked up to her and said “excuse me, and not to be creepy, but is that a Bikini Thief swimsuit?” The girl was so sweet said she was a huge fan of the line. That was crazy to me!
SwimDaily: What new products are you most excited for?
Whitney Andresen: I’m always excited about the new bikini’s I design!! But this season, my favorite one is called Ellie, after Ellie Goulding who is one of my favorite musical artists and I believe a great example of a strong, inspirational woman. I’m so excited to figure out how to get that suit to her and thank her for the creative inspiration I’ve gotten through listening to her music. AND the suit is badass so I cant wait to make it available to everyone, cause its going to be beautiful on all body types!
SwimDaily: Where would you like to see your company in 10 years?
Whitney Andresen: I’m such a new designer that the idea of just still being relevant in 10 years sounds exciting, haha. But beyond that I really hope to be a well know, socially conscious brand that is known as much for giving back, through collaborating, partnering, mentoring, and supporting the incredible women of this world, as we are for creating amazing swimwear.
SwimDaily: How has Sports Illustrated Swimsuit impacted your brand?
Whitney Andresen: Sports Illustrated had an enormous impact on Bikini Thief. As a brand new swim designer that nobody really knew, to have Bikini Thief in SI 2011 after my very first collection literally put me on the map with other designers. Buyers stopped and listened, or took notice BECAUSE of our placement in the magazine. It’s been monumental to our growth. I can’t thank the amazing team as SI Swim enough!
SwimDaily: What has is been like working with Sports Illustrated Swimsuit? What does your company do to prepare for the Swimsuit year to come?
Whitney Andresen: It’s been nothing but amazing. I know how much hard work and love goes into creating the magazine each year. It’s such an honor to even be thought of by the team of men and women who pull from designers and make it all happen. But beyond that everyone I have met personally or worked with is so kind, sweet, down to earth, and truly loves what they do. That’s so apparent. The SI teams wield so much power because literally every designer wants IN the magazine, but yet they are so humble and down to Earth. It’s so refreshing. As far as preparation we just make sure we know as soon as possible what stories SI is trying to tell that year and we try to find as many suits in the collections as possible to help them tell that story, and then we cross all our fingers and toes until that fateful day in February when it hits stands! J
SwimDaily: Where do you see swim trends in 10 years?
Whitney Andresen: I have this theory that everything goes in 20 year cycles so maybe metallics will be big again, haha. Seriously though, I have seen so much evolution and creativity in swimwear the last 10 years. Its not one size fits all anymore, there are 100’s of styles to choose from in one pieces and bikini’s depending on your body type and I just hope that trend continued.
SwimDaily: What does the 50th anniversary of the Swimsuit Issue mean to you?
Whitney Andresen: