SI Swimsuit 2020 Rookie: Hyunjoo Hwang
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
1) To be healthy
2) To meet a lifelong soulmate
3) To get to know the secrets of this universe
If you could have personally witnessed any event in history, what would it be?
Flying to the Belle époque in Paris and witnessing the blossom of masterpieces.
What is something that you have never done that you want to do?
Shoot a dance movie. My dream.

Hyunjoo Hwang was photographed by Yu Tsai in Bali. Swimsuit by netta.
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
When I mistyped (in Korean) “Black pants” as “Black penis” (they’re similar) on a text message to my contemporary dance teacher who I like. I was like ‘Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’
What’s the most regrettable beauty trend you have ever tried?
I once replaced all of my skincare products with oil-free products. That was a big regret. It made my skin more oily. Balance is important.
If you could hear one song performed live by any musician what would it be?
It would be Rachmanioff’s “Piano Concerto No.2” played by the composer himself.
What’s something people wouldn’t know about you?
I actually went to the top university in Korea, Seoul National University. It’s like Harvard in Korea.
In a world full of influencers, who influences you most?
I cannot pick one. It’s good for me to live in the world full of influencers. I’m influenced by actors, dancers, politicians, writers, etc.
What motivates or inspires you?
With work, I get motivated by other models. Each one has their own vibe with their looks and attitude, which makes me start to wonder about their unique stories. I look inside myself and think about my own story as a person. Personally, the classics inspire me a lot. It’s because I grew up training in classical ballet. I loved it all especially the music and the movement.

Hyunjoo Hwang was photographed by Yu Tsai in Bali. Swimsuit by Ola Vida.
Do you have a self-care ritual or a creative pursuit?
I really enjoy doing absolutely nothing. It’s hard because I have such a hectic schedule, and when I have some time I try to fill it with catching up with things I need to do. It’s so hard to just chill by myself doing absolutely nothing.
What's the worst holiday gift you ever received?
Ballpoint pen
What’s your guilty pleasure snack?
Dark chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks from Baskin Robbins.
Looking back, what advice would you give to your 14-year-old self?
Everything’s going to work out just fine. Keep your head up and see the bigger picture.