Melissa Wood-Tepperberg Offers Advice for Bringing Positive Energy Into Your Day

As a workout and wellness leader, Melissa Wood-Tepperberg is a big proponent of positive affirmations and thought patterns. Her digital fitness and wellness platform, MWH, is dedicated to a holistic idea of well-being. In other words, she’s not simply focused on physical improvements; she’s likewise keyed in on mental health and wellness.
Her philosophy is, in part, driven by her own path to success. Wood-Tepperberg has spent years building a successful brand (which, in addition to her wellness platform, includes her own podcast, Move With Heart, among other things). And a big part of that journey has been mental. It takes a lot of determination to find career success—and Wood-Tepperberg has that in spades.
Take her most recent Instagram post, for example. The 2023 SI Swimsuit rookie took to her social media account to share her outfit of the day: a charcoal gray suede suit, black turtleneck, leather boots and a handbag. Alongside a brief show-and-tell video featuring the look, Wood-Tepperberg revealed one of her consistent mantras: “Dress for your desires.”
The connection between chic, upscale fashion and success might not be the most intuitive. Sure, we tend to associate success with suits more so than sweats. But her point had more to do with the personal experience of dressing for success than it did the perception of others.
In other words, the energy that you glean from dressing well can and will translate into a positive mentality as you approach your daily tasks. Wood-Tepperberg felt “cute” and “good” in her fall-ready suede look, she noted. “And the energy that you feel when you put on a look is what carries with you throughout your day,” she explained in the short clip. “So dress the part. And I’m telling you, the rest follows.”
Since the start, Wood-Tepperberg has made it clear that her philosophy where MWH is concerned has as much to do with mental shifts as it does physical. In fact, much of her approach to actual fitness content is guided by a desire to ignite mental shifts and promote mental wellness among her clients and followers. Her outfit advice is no different. If you create a solid mental foundation, the rest will follow in time.
For more sage advice, incredible fitness and wellness content, and even healthy recipes, be sure to follow Wood-Tepperberg on social media and check out her digital wellness platform.