SI Swim Search 2020: Clarissa Bowers
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
1) I would wish for my dog to never grow old
2) I would wish for all of the hate harbored in our world to end;
3) I would wish for no one to ever have to go to sleep without a full belly and a roof over their head.

If you could personally witness any event in history, what would it be?
I would want to be there for the Big Bang, to witness the moment where our world as we knew it came to be and answer the many questions that I have.
What is something that you have never done that you want to do?
I want to travel to all Seven Wonders of the World.
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
I don’t embarrass very easily. When I trip, I think I laugh more than anyone else who may have witnessed my fall. However, I do recall a time when I was in high school and, while my father was deployed, my older brothers put on some of his military gear and waited at the door to greet my prom date. I did not think it was so funny at the time.
What’s the most regrettable beauty trend you’ve ever tried?
I went through the orange foundation and purple eyeshadow phase in middle school. I’m not proud of it, but I paid my dues and made it out the other side stronger because of it.
If you could hear one song performed live by any musician what would it be?
When I was in elementary school, my father was getting ready to deploy overseas with the U.S. Navy. He rearranged his work schedule so that he could drive me to school every morning leading up to his deployment. On the drive we would listen to “Carrying Your Love with Me” by George Strait and I would hug my dad a little tighter before I got out of the car. I’d want to hear that song performed live and I would want my dad to be there with me.
What’s something people wouldn’t know about you?
Most people are surprised to discover that I am obtaining a degree in Neuroscience.
In a world full or influencers, who influences you most?
Every patient I’ve played tag with in a waiting room, every toddler that has squeezed my hand as their anesthesia kicked in, every parent I’ve cried with, every surgeon I have watched change a life, and every man and woman who has fought for this country and put their life on the line for the homeland that they love. These are the people that are so much braver than I could ever hope to be. I look up to them with great admiration and they have an impact on all that I do.

What motivates or inspires you?
Through travels and volunteer work, I have witnessed how unfair life can be. I have seen mothers struggle to feed their babies due to cleft complications and children unable to chase after their friends due to club feet. Watching these struggles and injustices occur, while these children still have the most brilliant smiles on their faces, motivates me to make the most out of every single day whether it be in the pursuit of personal or professional endeavors.
Do you have a self-care ritual or a creative pursuit?
I am incredibly fortunate to have not just one, but two careers that I am passionate about and never feel like “work.” But when I do take a just-for-me break, there is nothing better than spending time outside with my pup.
What’s the worst holiday gift you ever received?
I would just feel special knowing that I am thought of around the holidays, it doesn’t matter what the gift is!
What’s your guilty pleasure snack?
All of them. Especially the chocolate ones.
Looking back, what advice would you give to your 14-year-old self?
I would tell my 14-year-old self to be kinder to herself and to seize every single opportunity to see more of our world and all of the beautiful people and places that it holds.