Another Chrissy Teigen wedding post to make you feel that much more like you were there
Gotye and Kimber; Chrissy and John :: YouTube (2)
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YOU KNOW the who, what, where and why of the Teigen–Legend nuptials back in September. Now John Legend is offering up the "how" by posting their wedding playlist to Spotify, and it's pretty flat out amazing. The carefully curated selection is stocked with all the soul and Motown (Al, Aretha, Marvin) you could ever wish to hear in a single go, with each ballad more gushy than the last (how any respectable wedding soundtrack should be). What's more, there isn't one Black Eyed Peas song anywhere on there.
One critique though: granted it's a catchy song with a crazy music video, but is Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" really a message you want to be sending on your wedding night?
Anyway, have a listen (the list in its 63-song entirety can be found here).
[spotify id="spotify:user:johnlegendofficial:playlist:09Tf9XyYxjrQqOnvRnTYlv" width="300" height="380" /]