Video Q&A: Best advice I've received


Twentieth century writer Josh Billings once said, "When a man comes to me for advice, I find out the kind of advice he wants, and I give it to him." While that may hold true for Billings (whose real name is Henry Wheeler Shaw -- Billings is a pen name), it doesn't hold true for all of SI's swimsuit models. We sat down with Jessica Perez, Kate Bock, Katherine Webb, Emily DiDonato and Kate Upton and asked them to tell us the best advice they ever received. Here are some of the responses:

Jessica Perez:"What my dad said: 'Education is the only thing that no one can take away from you.' So that's why I stuck with school and finished my degree."

Kate Bock:"Get enough sleep because if you don't you go crazy."

Emily DiDonato: "The best piece of advice, which my parents gave to me is to be yourself no matter what they say. No matter what, just go into everything trying to be true to yourself and you can't go wrong."

Kate Upton:"When I was younger my mom said, 'I can never start a fight. but I can always match a tone' and I hold true to that."


Jessica Perez :: David Burton/SI

GALLERY: Jessica Perez's 2013 SI Swimsuit Photos

VIDEO:Jessica Perez Up Close | Intimate


Kate Bock :: David Burton/SI

GALLERY:Kate Bock's 2013 SI Swimsuit Photos

VIDEO: Kate Bock Up Close | Intimate


Katherine Webb :: Troy Robertson/SI

GALLERYKatherine Webb's 2013 SI Swimsuit Photos


Emily DiDonato :: Kayt Jones/SI

GALLERY: Emily DiDonato’s 2013 SI Swimsuit Photos

VIDEO:Emily DiDonato Up Close | Emily’s Profile


Kate Upton :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

GALLERY: Kate Upton’s 2013 SI Swimsuit Photos 


Kate Upton Up Close

Kate Upton Intimate

Andy Gray


A senior editor, Andy Gray oversees Hot Clicks, Extra Mustard and the Swimsuit site. A Boston sports loyalist and Columbia graduate, he joined SI in 2005.