Dear MJ: Let's Talk About the Magazine!
Dear MJ and Sports Illustrated team,
First, thank you for opening this new line of communication to the SI Swimsuit team! I have really been enjoying all of SI's new endeavors, from the online community to the new Swim Search reality shows. Not only has it been entertaining during quarantine, but as a Global Business major it is also incredibly fascinating to watch the SI Swimsuit brand grow and adapt to new mediums.
In an increasingly digital world, it is very convenient and accessible for people to read books, magazines and articles online. However, there is something uniquely magical and satisfying about holding the Swimsuit Issue in print.
Swim Search hopefuls like my mom, sister and myself LOVE to dream about flipping through the pages of SI Swim and finding our own images inside.
My question to MJ and the SI Team is: What factors do you attribute to the continued success of your magazine in print?
Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you soon!
A. S.
I love that you and your mom and your sister are going for it! YES! I’m so thrilled you all are participating.
We really pride ourselves at SI Swimsuit on our desire to keep evolving the brand. We take our position in media very seriously and being a responsible, proactive publication is just as much of an important goal for us as taking beautiful pictures, creating engaging content and running a successful business. I believe that being responsive, not reactive, plays a major role in our overall success.

LEFT: Kate Upton getting touched up by Tracy Murphy and Peter Butler in Australia. RIGHT: Kate Upton and photographer Walter Ioos JR reviewing some of their shots.
Additionally, allowing all our team members -- photographers, models, stylists -- to collaborate in a way that they do not feel dictated to is incredibly important. The creative process and vision of the whole team is always taken into consideration. In my opinion, that confidence we place in contributors leads to a comfort level that allows all those involved to really express themselves and create content that they are proud of and represents who they are as individuals.
xx MJ

LEFT: MJ Day, Kate Upton and Walter Ioos Jr. after shooting Kate's 2012 cover in Australia. RIGHT: Kate Upton and MJ Day hugging on set.