Get to Know 2022 Swim Search Finalist Lotta Hintsa
Name: Lotta Hintsa
Hometown: My paper mail goes to Helsinki, but most of the year I spend in a trailer, tent or basecamp in the mountains somewhere.
Occupation: High altitude climber/Endurance athlete
Age: 33

Behind the scenes with Lotta Hintsa on set in the Dominican Republic.
What inspired you to try out for SI Swim Search?
“I had an angel (you know who you are) suggest to me a bit before the deadline closed that I should enter. I had voiced my dream to her on a couple of prior occasions, but had my reservations mainly related to publicity in Finland. The Swimfluence Network struck me as a wonderful platform and supportive environment.”
What would it mean to you to win SI Swim Search?
“It would be both extremely exhilarating and a natural expression of who I am. I cannot emphasize enough how much I admire SI Swimsuit as a brand and its advocacy for strong women. To be able to support that message authentically would be a dream come true. My heart is racing for this adventure!”
What has been the best part (so far) about being a part of The Swimfluence Network community?
“The incredible women. The moment I signed up I was astonished by how supportive, interesting and beautiful all the women are. It feels like a really safe and positive platform.”
How did you prepare for the SI Swim Search photo shoot?
“Like before any big sports event, I mostly focused on my mental game. I know who I am and what I’ve got to offer, and I make sure to lead with that. I also focused on being grateful and joyful throughout the day for this amazing adventure that was the shoot. Of course, I made sure to have my normal beauty appointments like waxing and hairdresser before the shoot, but the beauty of SI Swimsuit is that you get to be who you are so I didn’t feel the need to try to fit into a mold that wasn’t sustainable to me. As an endurance athlete I stuck to my normal training routine of about 20-plus hours of climbing, running and cycling a week, and my normal diet, which means a fair amount of marshmallows, too. I did try to make sure I wasn’t as scratched up and bruised as I normally am.”
Who was the first person you told the good news to?
“My brother. I was just on the phone with him to Finland when the call came. So I put him on hold and when I returned to the call I couldn’t contain my excitement!”
What is your favorite SI Swimsuit memory?
“I loved when Kate Upton shot in Antarctica. To be able to express beauty in harsh conditions means that you’re thriving and she killed it! I would love to do a swimsuit shoot in extreme conditions myself ;)”
What advice would you give to your younger self?
“Don’t try to make your presence in this world smaller so that other people would feel more comfortable with your existence. Take up the space that belongs to you with your head held high, and honor and cherish the space that belongs to others.”
What changes would you like to see in the world?
“My personal motto is, Give me a storm and I’ll go play in it. A lot of pain and anxiety in this world are caused by fear. But to learn how to mitigate fear, it’s important to challenge our personal comfort zones and grow our inner resilience. There is a lot in life that we can’t control, no matter how much we yell at the storm to stop. But the more we expose ourselves to discomfort, whether mental or physical, the more we learn about ourselves and our own strength to survive hardships. To approach life’s storms with curiosity makes them more manageable and creates inner peace. And more resilient individuals create stronger populations that can drive positive change.”