John Legend gives Chrissy Teigen all of his nose at The Kimye® Wedding where Chrissy was accidental twinsies with Kris Jenner, and more news

@damarislewis: Stay Tuned to TNT for a word from #NBAStyle presented by Samsung Galaxy!

@christiebrinkley: Social Life Cover Party to benefit David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, one of the most wonderful places in the world where dedicated passionate people raise elephants ancsome rhinos whos mothers have been killed by poachers. They raise, rehabillitate them, and reintroduce them into the wild. But thats not all they do so please check them out on facebookor at to learn about anti piaching efforts, forest cobservation, outreach and more#elephants #saynotoivory #narcissorodriguez dress

@barrefaeli: TLV summer nights at Segev

@chaneliman: Loving Ibiza ! #eternalsummer

@valerievdgraaf: Happy hamptons day!

@luvalyssamiller: About last night #iwokeuplikethis emojiemojiemoji #ouch

@samanthahoopes_: Sunday mornings @lovehauslove #sunday #lovehaus

@fernandamottaofficial: Domingo tranqüilo!! Contando os dias para o meu niver !!! Celebrar faz parte da vida!!! #faltam4diaspmeuniver

@iamjesswhite: This weather in La sucks! Anyway feelin damn good today. Peace and love world. Stay upemoji️