Wednesday's Wide World of Weird

Setting the precedent early on, SI put a swimsuit on its third-ever cover :: Richard Meek/SI

Coles Phinizy/SI

Sure it was the 1960s, but we promise she's dressed under there :: Art Kane/SI

Illustration by Roy McKie/SI

Lynn Pelham/SI

Walter Iooss Jr./SI

The closest we ever came to a Snowsuit Issue :: Ernst Haas/SI

Toni Frissell/SI

James Drake/SI

Now that, THAT, is a swimsuit :: Neil Leifer/SI

Peter Read Miller/SI

That this wasn't an official Swimsuit cover is a damn shame :: Robert Beck/SI

Arguable for sure, but she's holding a pillow, not a racket so there is clearly something at play that isn't her tennis career :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

John G. Zimmerman/SI

Fred Lyon/SI

Gentemen, meet Betty Di Bugnano :: Philip O. Stearns/SI

Zale Parry, the name of someone who definitely should have been more famous :: Bob Landry/SI

It's not NOT a swimsuit . . . :: Richard Meek/SI

Jerry Cooke/SI

George Leavens/SI

Fred Lyon/SI

John G. Zimmerman/SI

Louise Dahl/SI

John G. Zimmerman/SI

Top right corner . . . I see you, tiny swimsuits :: Jerry Cooke/SI

Well, hello Mr. Jastremski :: Mark Kauffman/SI

John G. Zimmerman (he of the first official Swimsuit cover photo) /SI

Walter Iooss Jr./SI