Halsey’s Latest Sultry Black Bra Selfie Features a ‘Gravity-Defying Lift’ From Pepper: Shop Now

Halsey wears the Zero-G Wirefree Lift Up Bra in her latest photo dump.
Halsey / Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Halsey’s Instagram photo dumps are always a fun moment to witness as they typically feature tons of flicks serving as an update on the singer’s life as well as a reminder that she’s still looking and doing great. Her most recent compilation is evidence of this, consisting of photos that would make anyone do a double-take.

For the first photo in her post, Halsey channels her inner preppy school girl with a red plaid skirt and black knit pullover. She opts for white knee-high socks to pair with this outfit, alongside black schoolgirl shoes. In another look, she serves punk rock vibes from head to toe. Starting with that oh-so-epic spiked leather jacket, going down to the matching buckle underwear and finishing off with the black police cap, everything about this ensemble only highlights just how dynamic her style is.

While these outfits are great in their own right, we’re highlighting an item you can shop right now if you’re on the smaller-chested side and are looking for a serious lift—this will leave you channeling your inner Halsey. Bearing nothing other than a black bra from the brand Pepper, the 30-year-old New Jersey native looked fantastic.

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Zero-G Wireless Push Up Bra, $65 (wearpepper.com)

A cozy bra with the ability to provide a nice lift without having to worry about the constraints of a wire, this bra from Pepper is a must-have. It’s also available in multiple neutral colors, which is perfect for outfits that may be more mesh or see-through. What’s more, with this particular item coming in multiple band sizes in AA, A and B cups specifically, it’s a great choice for smaller-chested buyers.

According to the brand, this item is “the push up wireless bra you’ve been waiting for. Its innovative design gives you gravity-defying lift and ultimate comfort without compromise.”

Unfortunately, looking as incredible as Halsey does in these photos didn’t stop her haters from finding something to nitpick about her. People were upset about her wearing a push up bra in the photo dump and called her out for flaunting her body. But rather than let these comments get to her, she took to social media to call them out.

“I can’t believe how angry everyone is that I wore a push up bra. Damn I really still got it like that,” Halsey tweeted, to which a fan asked, “Wait who’s angry? The straights?” She replied, “The body cops.” When a supportive response asked where she got the bra, the “safeword” singer went on to plug Pepper, promising it was not an ad.

Despite all the noise the “body cops” are making, Halsey is onto bigger and better things. After all, she has an epic tour for her album The Great Impersonator coming up; the last thing she needs to worry about is what the naysayers have to say.

Diana Nosa

After graduating from Rutgers University with degrees in Psychology and Theatre, Diana Nosa ventured off on the path of becoming an entertainment journalist. Having her start on various entertainment sites, she eventually found her way to Sports Illustrated Swimsuit in 2024 and has been working diligently ever since. Diana's interests include fashion, interior design and traveling. She's also an avid anime watcher and gamer––her favorite games being Elden Ring and Hollow Knight.