A No-Equipment Seasonal Workout Set Perfect for Summer Travels

If there’s one thing we know for certain, it’s that movement becomes that much harder during the summer. Traveling often makes sticking to fitness goals difficult. Without access to a gym or equipment, it can feel near impossible to move as much as you normally might. But it doesn’t have to.
Australian fitness instructor Kayla Itsines proved as much with her new no-equipment set. The seven-move routine is perfectly designed to be done anywhere, at any time—no equipment and minimal space required.
So, during the coming months of travel, don’t forget about your fitness routines. Simply follow Itsines’s lead and perform this seven-move set three times to achieve a good burn.
Jump lunges (12 reps, six per side)
Start in a lunge position. Jump up, switching your legs midair. Land softly and bend your knees to return to a lunge position (your opposite leg should now be in front). Repeat.
Burpees (10 reps)
Come to a high plank position. Jump your feet in toward your hands and stand up, coming to a squat position. Jump up into the air. Land in a squat position, place your hands back on the ground and jump your feet back out into a high plank. Repeat.
Commandos (12 reps, six per side)
Start in a high plank position. Bend your right arm to 90 degrees, coming down onto your forearm. Likewise, lower your left arm to the ground, coming into a full forearm plank. Place your right palm on the ground and extend your arm straight. Repeat on the left, returning to a high plank position. Repeat.
Caterpillar walk (10 reps)
Start in a standing position. Bend down and place both palms flat on the ground. Walk your hands out into a high plank position. Hold for a couple seconds. Walk your hands back in toward your feet and return to standing. Repeat.
High knees (30 seconds)
Stand up straight with your legs hip width apart. Bring your left knee up toward your chest, stopping just above 90 degrees. At the same time, pump your right arm up toward your chest. Lower your left leg and right arm back down. Repeat on the other side.
Russian twist (20 reps)
Come into C-curve position, sitting on your mat with your feet elevated off the ground and your back rounded. Lean back and put your hands together. Slowly begin to twist from one side to the other, keeping your feet lifted and core engaged.
Mountain climbers (20 reps)
Come to a high plank position. Bring one knee in toward the elbow on the same side. Extend your leg back out into a plank position, while simultaneously drawing your opposite knee in toward your opposite elbow. Repeat.