Megan Roup Names the Biggest Mistake People Make When it Comes to Cardio

If you know anything about Megan Roup, you know that cardio, according to her, is not supposed to be a chore. Like many people, she spent years in her twenties believing that it was something she just had to grin and bear. She never felt inspired by hours spent on the treadmill, but she did it anyway.
Roup knows that she’s not alone in her history with cardio. According to her new nstagram post, where cardio is concerned, “the biggest mistake” that people make is “doing too much.” But again, she wasn’t immune to it, either. “When I was younger I used to think I had to spend 45min - 1 hour every day on the treadmill or elliptical,” she said. “This mindset led me to dread cardio and stressed my body out.”
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Out of a dissatisfaction with the popular conviction that cardio had to take the form of an hour on the treadmill, The Sculpt Society was born. The digital fitness platform offers a low-impact (and, arguably, more fun) alternative to traditional forms of cardio and movement. Roup’s classes frequently feature cardio in the form of dance, as well as strengthening in the form of low-impact sculpt movements.
With the help of her platform, the California-based instructor aims to combat the idea that “cardio needs to be the focus of their workouts,” she wrote in the post. “While some cardio is absolutely important for cardiovascular health, you do not need to do that much! I now sprinkle cardio in and focus on low impact full body sculpt classes. This approach has transformed how I show up to my workouts and the strength I have gained in my body and mind. Not to mention, dance cardio is still the most fun way to get in your cardio!”
Her point is simple: cut down on the cardio. There’s no doubt that it’s important, but it doesn’t (and probably shouldn’t) have to take the form of an hour spent on the treadmill each day.