Josephine Skriver on Insecurities, Body Image, and Her Message For Young Girls - Swimsuit |
Josephine Skriver for SI Swimsuit 2021.
Skriver has felt the immense pressure to appear perfect on social media. “When social media blew up, the world had its perfect image of me,” she says. “You post when you feel the best. I did not wake up like this.” Skriver has learned to accept her insecurities and wants young girls to do the same. “If you don’t like something about yourself, work on changing it or learn to love it. Don’t try and change things you can’t change but love it instead. Surround yourself with girls who will lift you up because I think it’s so important that we don’t try to compare ourselves to each other.” Skriver is aware that her beauty is not dependent upon anything other than how she feels about herself.
Beauty Evolution
We determine our beauty, not the eye of the beholder. From an early age, women are judged by their hair, the color of their skin, their clothes, and their bodies. Journey with our SI Swimsuit models as they discuss their beauty evolution, how they came to accept, honor, and embrace their bodies and beauty, and how they are rewriting the narrative on what it means to be powerful, beautiful, and who they are meant to be.