Katie Austin's 8-Minute New Year’s Day Reset Stretch

This month, four time SI Swimsuit model Katie Austin is offering five workouts for the SI Swimsuit audience that will help get you through the month of January while helping to achieve your fitness goals. The fitness influencer is committed to inspiring you to live your best and healthiest life.
This 8-minute express reset stretch is designed to loosen your muscles and is great to incorporate before strength training or on your rest day.
Hi Sports Illustrated Swimsuit! It's your girl Katie Austin here, and you are about to do an exclusive workout from the Katie Austin App. So if you guys like this workout, make sure to become a member of my program. You guys can do 400 classes anywhere, anytime to keep you fit all year long. Love you guys.
Hey y'all, it's Katie Austin here, and welcome to your daily workout.
Today we are doing an express reset stretch. Yay! I got it right. Try saying that three times. Fast express reset stretch. All right. So we're going to start right here with our feet a little bit more than hip distance apart. We're just going to roll out our shoulders getting a little bit of a slight bend right here in our legs.
We're gonna feel so good afterwards. Feel refreshed feel reset. We're going to take it to one side, stretching out that side body, getting our inner thighs as well and to the other side really lengthening these fingertips. And exhale. Great. Every time you come to a side, let it sink a little deeper and reach a little further. Wonderful.
Two more times. Last one. And as you finish that last one, we're going to straighten out our legs. Come right here. Sweeping around. So walk your hands across towards each side. Right here. Great. Just really making sure your lower back is also being nice and stretched out as you walk towards each foot. Wonderful. Letting your head hang loose.
Great. Now, on this last one, we're going to hold in the middle and clasp our hands right behind us as you clasp your hands. I'll come up just a little bit so I can see holding right here. We're stretching out our chest, coming right back down, clasping those hands behind again, letting our neck and our head hang loose as we really open up our chest.
Also, feeling that stretch along your hamstrings, tucking your chin towards your chest.
As you release right here. I want you guys to place one palm on the mat and the other opening up your chest. Really reach towards the ceiling and as you exhale, coming back to center, nice straight spine straight back and then release, opening up that chest. Great. Sink a little deeper every time. Reach a little further as you come back to center.
Feeling that centering, stretch your hamstrings and then open up in length and even further for four. For three. And for two. Wonderful. And one. As you finish that last one, slightly bend these knees right here and gently come back to your hip opener. Just these legs. So just making sure nothing see through right now these leggings are a little sheer.
Nice work you guys. Great sinking that shoulder even deeper.
Last one. Rolling up each vertebra at a time right here. Last but not least, let's give big shoulder openers. Now, if you're doing this as a work break stretch. This is a great way to make sure you're still energized. You're practicing good posture. Now really reach back these fingertips I want them really reach back to open up your chest even more.
Now let's get our lower half involved just a little bit. Inhale. Exhale. Wonderful.
Nice work, you guys. We're going to take those arms out. Stretching out the chest. Even more good for good posture and switch diagonal reaching and elongating.
For four. For three. Two. Your feet are staying right here. A little bit wider. Stance like you're about to do a side lunge. And we're going to come down sit it back with it stretching up that thigh and adding our arms now. So we're going to windmill right here. Come back to center and windmill. Other side. Wonderful. We only have six right here.
So finish it right here while you're still getting that deep stretch. A little bit of dynamic moves. Dynamic stretching just to make sure our energy levels are staying high as you want to reset and re-energize. If you're doing this as a rest day routine, it's a great deal. A little bit of movement in. And now as you relax, let's just come from side to side to get our inner thighs nice and stretch out as well.
For four three, get those inner thighs, stretch it out two and one as you come up, pinching those feet in slightly. And I want hip rolls. Hip rolls around. It might look funny. I'm the one doing it on camera. So just roll those hips around pushing those booties out, opening up those hips. Honestly, this is one of my favorite stretches.
Really. Get those hips nice and mobile. Let's circle the other way.
For two. And for one. So you finish that. Let's grab onto an ankle. Let's just stretch out our quads right here. Opposite arm lift up diagonal reach hips are still tucked under ribs tucked as well. Abs are in tight. Hold that same leg as you release it ankle is crossing in front of that knee keeping that balance beautiful. And sit down in that chair position. Beautiful.
Great. Three, two. Gently come back. Other side. Now, this whole reset stretch is standing. If you can tell. So say this for next time you want to do something. You don't have a mat. Wherever you are, maybe you're in a hotel room and you just need something off the plane. Or, you know, you're anywhere work and you just want a little reset that takes less than ten minutes to feel better.
Let's cross over hip pose right here. Great
Hold for four. Three. Two. You got it. And one. Woo!
The balancing through the core right there is so hard. All right, you guys, we're going to end right here. A little more shoulder rolls just to make sure we're with it. We're energized. We're feeling good. Press those elbows back. Opening up your chest. Let me see a smile on your face. Inhale and let it all go. I love you guys.
I hope we hopefully feel refreshed, re-energized. Also, you feel a little bit nice and stretch out. Great mobility routine as well. I will catch you at your next daily workout. Bye.