Katie Austin Promises These 3 Moves will Burn Your Core

When it comes to workouts that we can rely on for a good burn, Katie Austin’s are top of our list. The California-based fitness instructor has built a platform dedicated to helping subscribers move more effectively. To do that, she has crafted hundreds of on-demand workout classes that are designed to be taken anytime, anywhere. In other words, they are no frills (requiring little space, little equipment and only a little of your time), but super effective.
That’s why, when we saw the SI Swimsuit model’s latest three-move core set, we knew we had to try it the next time we hit the gym. Using just a mat and her bodyweight, Austin performed the following three moves for 30 seconds each and then repeated the set three times.
According to the 30-year-old, they are guaranteed to “fire up your deep core.”
Single side crunch and single side jackknife
Lay on your mat with one leg bent and the other extended long. Crunch your upper body and pull your extended leg in toward your midsection, simultaneously twisting your upper body and bringing your opposite elbow to meet your knee. Extend your leg back long, then lift it toward the ceiling as you reach for your foot with your opposite hand. Perform for 30 seconds on one side, then repeat on the other.
Reverse crunch to alternating toe tap
Lay on your mat with your hands tucked under your glutes and your legs extended toward the ceiling. Lift your glutes off the mat, reaching toward the ceiling with your feet. Return to the ground and bring one foot to tap the mat. Repeat, brining your opposite foot to tap the mat on the next rep.
Crossbody windshield wipers
Come into a high plank position. Pull one knee in toward your opposite elbow, then sweep it under your midsection toward your same-side elbow. Return your foot to plank position. Perform for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.