This No-Equipment Ab Workout Is Ideal for a Busy Fall Schedule

Fall is just about here, and with it, the end of summer travels and the return of a set schedule. In other words, it might just be the perfect time to get back into that fitness routine that you let go of during the on-the-go summer months.
The coming season might bring busy days, but Kayla Itsines is here to prove that digital fitness classes are designed to work with your schedule. The Australian fitness instructor has always had a penchant for crafting effective workouts that can be performed pretty much anywhere, anytime. In other words, with the help of her instruction, you really have no choice but to get back into your workout regimen.
Her latest no-equipment abs workout is the perfect example. The six-move routine is fit for at-home or on-the-go. Plus, if done correctly and intentionally, it’s no less effective than your typical gym session. The set is composed of the following moves:
1. Ab bikes (12 reps)
Lay on your back with your knees in table top and your hands cradling your head. Slowly begin to crunch one elbow toward your opposite knee. Then repeat on the other side, keeping your shoulders off the mat as you do so.
2. Leg raise (12 reps)
Lay on your mat with your legs extended long in front of you and your head and shoulders elevated in a crunch position. Lift your legs toward the ceiling, then slowly lower them back toward the mat.
3. Crunches (12 reps)
Lay on your mat with your knees bent and your hands cradling your head. Lift your shoulders off the mat, coming into a crunch position. Hold for a second, then slowly return your head and shoulders to the mat.
4. Lateral shoot through (12 reps)
Come into a bear plank position, with your hands and feet on the mat and your knees hovering just above. Swing your body toward the opposite wall, picking your opposite foot up off of the mat and swinging it through toward the opposite wall.
5. Side plank crunch (six reps on each side)
Come to a modified side plank, with your bottom leg bent on the mat and your top leg extended long. Slowly bring your top arm and leg to meet, squeezing your obliques as you do. Repeat on the other side.
6. Mountain climbers (20 reps)
Start in a high plank position. Drive one knee toward your same side elbow, then replace it on the mat. Repeat on the other side.
For more effective workout content, be sure to check out Itsines’s sets on the Sweat app.