Meet the Model: Jessica Gomes (Part 2)

Before we ever sat down with Jessica Gomes, we knew about her love of Grand Prix racing, appearance on Korean Dancing With the Stars and her desire to be a "badass rapper," When we finally spoke to her, she opened up about her start in modeling, the meaning of her tattoos and love for fellow Aussie Elle Macpherson. In Part 2 of our interview, Gomes discussed a wide range of topics. Here are some of the highlights:
On the worst date she's ever been on:"It was soooo bad. My friend had this wise idea to connect me and his friend together. I went and met him at the restaurant and it was just awkward. At the end of the night it was just like 'Yeah goodbye. I don't ever want to see you again.'"
On the best part of being a model: "You get to travel and experience different cultures. You get to meet people and every day you're growing and evolving. I really love my job. I really love what I do. I definitely feel like think this is what I'm meant to be doing. I've been doing it since I was young. This is who I am."
On the worst part of being a model: "Making sacrifices like being away from your family for so long. Having to grow up really quickly. I left home at 17 years old. Sometimes the lifestyle can be pretty hard hardcore but in general, I think modeling is pretty awesome."
Jessica Gomes :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Jessica Gomes :: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Jessica Gomes :: Don Arnold/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Jessica Gomes ::Derek Kettela /SI

Jessica Gomes :: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Derek Kettela/SI

Jessica Gomes :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Jessica Gomes :: Toby Zerna/Newspix/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes ::Derek Kettela /SI

Jessica Gomes :: Graham Denholm/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Stewart Shining/SI

Jessica Gomes :: Derek Kettela/SI

Jessica Gomes :: Marcel Thomas/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Derek Kettela/SI

Jessica Gomes :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Jessica Gomes :: Wendell Teodoro/WireImage

Jessica Gomes :: Derek Kettela/SI

Jessica Gomes :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Jessica Gomes :: Marianna Massey/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Derek Kettela/SI

Jessica Gomes :: Graham Denholm/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Derek Kettela/SI

Jessica Gomes :: Walter Iooss Jr./SI

Jessica Gomes :: Bryan Steffy/Getty Images

Jessica Gomes :: Stewart Shining/SI