10 Incredible Photos of Dutch Model Robin Holzken in Scrub Island

The SI Swimsuit model made three consecutive magazine appearances, including her debut in 2018.

Robin Holzken was photographed by Josie Clough in Scrub Island.

Robin Holzken was photographed by Josie Clough in Scrub Island.

Dutch model Robin Holzken made three consecutive SI Swimsuit appearances, including her magazine debut in 2018. She began modeling at the age of 16 and has never looked back. Despite making a name for herself in the industry and succeeding, the 26-year-old still struggles with confidence every now and then, simply because she’s human.

“I’m still insecure, but I think everyone is. I think it’s hard to come to a point where you’re confident 24/7,” she said. “I’ve always had this thing where [when] I’m in front of the camera and I feel like a different person. I don’t know how to describe—I get in front of the camera and nothing is weird anymore. It’s like ‘O.K., get it. Boom boom boom.’”

She added that your imperfections are what make you “special” and “beautiful.”

“I do think over the years, your vision of beauty changes,” Holzken continued. “When you succeed even in the small stuff—like you are genuinely happy—that’s [beauty].”

Below are 10 of our favorite photos from her 2020 photoshoot with Josie Clough in Scrub Island, British Virgin Islands.


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Ananya Panchal


Ananya Panchal is a NYC-based Lifestyle & Trending News writer at SI Swimsuit. Before joining the Swim team, the Boston University Alum worked for culture & entertainment beats at Bustle, The San Francisco Chronicle and the TODAY Show. When Ananya is not writing or doom-scrolling on social media, she can be found playing sudoku, rewatching One Tree Hill or trying new restaurants. She's also a coffee and chocolate (separately) enthusiast.