SI Swimsuit 2020 Rookie: Marquita Pring
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
One thing I think about often is that women everywhere should not only realize but step into their full potential. I really believe that women are incredible and I think the more we realize this about ourselves and each other the more powerful we become. Next, I'd like to star in a Bond movie. I’ve been getting into acting and that’s my dream role at the moment. For my third wish I’d love for more people to come from a place of love and kindness. We need more compassion in this world; when we step into a more compassionate mindset we eliminate judgment. Everyone has their own stories and experiences that we may know nothing about and we are often so quick to judge and think negatively. The more we can each become a light in this dark world the better things will become.
If you could personally witness any event in history, what would it be?
I think it would be pretty awesome to witness when humans made fire for the first time. Imagine how confusing and exciting that must have been?!

Marquita Pring was photographed by Ruven Afanador in Saratoga, WY. Swimsuit by Oh Polly.
What is something that you have never done that you want to do?
I’m a water baby and I love to swim and scuba dive. One dream that’s high up on my list is to scuba dive in jellyfish lake in Palau. There are no predators in the lake so the jellyfish stingers have devolved -- you can swim with the jiggly jellies without getting stung. FUN.
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
I had just gotten off a red-eye flight and saw a cover of a magazine with what I thought was my face on it. I immediately grabbed the other model I was traveling with and screamed, “WTF... I never shot that cover!!!!! Almost as quickly as I freaked out, I realized that it wasn’t my face on the cover, it was Alicia Keys. My entire career, on almost every set I work on, at least one person mentions how much I look like her. I never really saw it until that moment. I was mortified, I mean have you ever mistaken someone else for yourself?!? Yikes.
What’s the most regrettable beauty trend you’ve ver tried?
Thin eyebrows. I went through a serious phase of over tweezing and I’m still suffering the consequences.
If you could hear one song performed live by any musician what would it be?
“Dream a Little Dream of Me” by The Mamas and The Papas. I fell in love with that song as a child, I learned every word and to this day still belt it at the top of my lungs. I loved Mama Cass’s presence and fearless self expression. She was big, beautiful and badass. I’d also love to see Nina Simone and Amy Whinehouse, I’m so inspired by both of them.
What’s something people wouldn’t know about you?
I'm a huge nerd when it comes to finances. I started modeling and making money at the age of 15 and since I never came from money I started taking it very seriously once it started coming in. I knew I was in a unique position to be able to have this amazing job that paid well so I never wanted to take it for granted. I set big goals for myself at a young age and can honestly say I’ve accomplished them all. I have an amazing financial advisor from whom I’ve learned a lot. I love learning how to grow my money while helping educate others.

Marquita Pring was photographed by Ruven Afanador in Saratoga, WY. Swimsuit by Iztali Swim.
In a world full of influencers, who influences you most?
Nature. For me disconnecting and getting back to nature always inspires me. I recently took a trip to Patagonia and I couldn’t believe the thoughts and ideas that just came rushing into me. I was so grateful for that experience so I could really clear my mind, reset and let the good vibes flow.
What motivates or inspires you?
Being a happy healthy role model really motivates me.
Do you have a self-care ritual or a creative pursuit?
I love to work out and I do it for me. No one else. I’ve always been very athletic and I have to admit, to stay the desired size for working as a plus-size model I stopped taking my workouts seriously for quite a while and I felt awful mentally and physically. Within the past few years I started working out again and not caring if my work suffered because of it. It was an adjustment, lots of companies stopped working with me because I wasn’t the size they wanted me to be. But eventually work started balancing out again and the clients that appreciate my size started to work with me. I am so happy I made the decision to take my health and fitness seriously instead of letting my work and money dictate my well-being. To this day I still have peers and clients telling me I’m getting “too small” all I say is, I’m happy and feel great, That’s all that matters.
What’s the worst holiday gift you ever received?
Year after year a good friend would give me outfits she had originally purchased for herself but didn’t fit. So she would give them to me as my birthday or Christmas gifts. I always knew she purchased them with herself in mind. She ended up giving me a shirt that had marker all over it and after that I had to tell her to stop. I always just ended up giving them to Goodwill anyway.
What is your guilty pleasure snack?
It changes often but right now Van Leeuwen’s vegan rocky road ice cream is my favorite. I crush up walnuts and mix it all together.
Looking back, what advice would you give to your 14-year-old self?
Trust the timing of your life. You may want to grow up quickly and even feel as if you have it all figured out but the truth is everything will happen exactly as it's meant to. Enjoy the exciting moments, the chaos and the uncertainty. Also, know that you have no idea what someone is really thinking. You have a tendency to assume the worst, but the reality is, until you hear it directly from them, you have no idea what someone is thinking or experiencing. Focus on yourself, spread love and be open to the incredible opportunities that find you.