Get to Know SI Swim Search 2022 Finalist Victoria Vesce
Name: Victoria Vesce
Hometown: Nashville, N.C.
Occupation: Lawyer/Model
Age: 28

Behind the scenes of Victoria Vesce in the Dominican Republic being photographed by Yu Tsai.
What would it mean to you to win SI Swim Search?
It would mean everything to me. This has been my dream and my ultimate goal! I’ve always admired Sports Illustrated Swimsuit and all the women behind it. I’ve dreamed of being part of their brand and community as soon as I started modeling. The women behind the brand and gracing the pages inspire me beyond just physical aspects. Their stories of strength and hope. Beauty inside and out. I have put a lot of work into myself, emotionally and spiritually, to really now showcase who I am to the world and help inspire others, like SI does, to keep pushing! Sports Illustrated Swim showcases women who do it all. I want to be a part of that. You can be sexy and intelligent, model and do law or whatever career path you want – you don’t have to choose or fit in a box. I truly feel like my life now embodies that vision for myself and Sports Illustrated Swim.
What has been the best part (so far) about being a part of The Swimfluence Network community?
The women I’ve met being a part of The Swimfluence Network are amazing. I’m blessed to have them now as friends. We talk every day, send quotes and lift each other up. It’s holistically a positive community of women, which is not only what I need during this time of my life but also what the world needs.
How did you prepare for the SI Swim Search photo shoot?
I prepared mentally and physically. I surrounded myself with positive energy and spoke affirmations every morning. On the physical spectrum I ate healthy, went paddle boarding with my dog, and went to the sauna to meditate and rejuvenate.
Who was the first person you told the good news to?
My dad (and my dog). Well, of course, I spoke up to the sky and told my angel mom, but I called my dad while I was screaming with my dog (she was confused but excited, too). He was so excited! My dad and I have become closer since my mom’s passing, and I’m blessed to share this part of my journey with him.
What is your favorite SI Swimsuit memory?
When I just started modeling and was getting comfortable in my body, I remember trying to recreate iconic SI Swimsuit covers from Tyra Banks to Kate Upton. Kate Upton’s cover in Antarctica is always my favorite!
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Hug mom more. Don’t let the haters dim your light. Be prepared for a crazy journey, but embrace every moment. Things may not go as planned, but everything is going to work out.
What changes would you like to see in the world?
Unfortunately, the world still likes to put people in a box. If you want to do this, you have to look like this or follow the same path as everyone else. I would aspire to initiate the change that you can do whatever you want and be whomever you want. Don’t let the world’s ideals squeeze you into a mold that you weren’t meant to fit in. If you want to model and pursue a legal career, like I am, do it! All of us were meant to do amazing things, and as part of the Swim Search, I hope I can initiate changing the narrow mindset.