Katie Austin’s 18-Minute Lower Body Workout
Join four-time SI Swimsuit model Katie Austin as she demonstrates a powerful and effective 18-minute workout that targets your booty and legs.
Hi Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, it’s your girl Katie Austin here, and you are about to do an exclusive workout from the Katie Austin App. So if you guys like this workout, make sure to become a member of my program. You guys can do 400 classes anywhere, anytime to keep you fit all year long. Love you guys.
What's up y’all. It’s Katie Austin here, and welcome to your daily workout. Today’s workout is an ultimate power, strength, booty and legs workout. You will be needing one heavier weight, so go grab that and let's get started.
We are going to start of course with some deep breaths as always, so spread your feet a little bit more than hip distance apart and just roll those shoulders down and back. Inhale and exhale. Great. One more big deep breath in, filling the belly with oxygen. And exhale, let it go.
We’re gonna get started, just some big hip openers with our lower half right here. So pull this knee across and plant it right there. Nice work. Just like a minute or two of a warm-up. So if you guys need to pause this video and come back after you warm up a little bit more, feel free to do so.
Now this workout, it’s a little bit quicker and it’s efficient. So what I love to do, honestly, is do this workout and honestly add like a 20 minute walk on top of that. That is like my perfect lower-body day. Add this on to a ‘Walk It Out,’ right here on the Katie Austin App. Last one, let’s come down right here, opening up those hips again, sink that shoulder deep. Inhale and exhale. Great.
Now coming down, touching those toes right here. Hang loose, tucking your chin towards your chest, getting that nice thigh stretch. Inhale as you roll up, start to kick out your booty. Let’s get started getting your heart rate up just a little bit right here, ready to crush this workout. All right guys, so as you guys to shake it off right here, we’re going to grab on to that weight. First and foremost, we’re gonna place that weight right there in the middle of your mat at the top of it.
So what you guys are going to do is come down, grab that weight in a nice squat, take it right back up and right back down. So you have one weighted squat, squeeze at the top and then one bodyweight squat on the way up. Wonderful. Keeping that chest up and making sure also that you’re not leaning forward with it, right? I don’t want you picking up your weight like this, I want you coming down into that squat of course with good posture.
And as you pick that weight up, I want you guys to power through with those heels, all right? Nice work. We have four, three, two and one. Place that weight down opposite hand in front, pick it up with the opposite hand, same thing.
How are we feeling today, y’all? Hopefully we’re feeling good, we’re feeling energized, ready to work our legs and our booty. That’s right, inhale for four, three, I’m feeling it already, two, last one.
Pick up that weight right here, last one, and hold it right here. We have a nice goblet squat. So what I want you guys to do is get low and power through. Nice work. You only have a few of these right here. So keeping your chest up, really push through those heels.
I love this one. It really works all angles of our booty to get low. We have four, three, two, last one and one. As you finish that last one, turn both of those feet towards me. Inhale. Take it back for a curtsy. Nice work. Staying on one side. Curtsy center. Working all angles of those legs and booty. Great work. Beautiful.
Last two. Stay low in that curtsy and we’re pulsing. Here’s where you’re really gonna feel this burn. Pulse. Yes. Keeping that chest up, shoulders back and down. Ten, nine, eight, get lower, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Shake it off and switch. Great.
Beautiful. Whew, already feeling this burn. Now, if you’re not feeling it enough, up those weights, baby. Three, two, one, hold at the bottom and pulse it out. Wonderful. And lower. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Narrow squat right here, holding. Catch your breath, you can hold for hot sec. Inhale and exhale.
Narrow squat, here we go. Squeezing and hugging those thighs together. Beautiful work, you guys. Dropping low, knees are kissed, pressure between this weight. Nice work. Five. Hug those thighs tighter. For three, two and one. Now as you guys release from out of that, grab the weight with one hand, turn towards the front of your mat, take a deep breath if ya’ll need.
Nice work. What you’re going to do is a single-leg deadlift. So float that back foot, arm comes towards opposite toe, pick it on up. Nice work. Power booty right here, you guys. I’m proud of you. Core is extra tight, knee that is on the floor is a little bit bent right here. My we have four, three, nice work. This is a great little gym workout too, if you guys want to take this video to the gym next time, or if you’re not a gym member and you’re just a Katie Austin member, that works too, baby. It’s even better. Alright, nice work, last one.
As you guys finish that last one, with that back foot, we’re coming down for a lunge right here. Nice work, we’re hammer curling it out, curling that back toe and picking it on up. Beautiful. Hammer curl, lift. Great work, you guys. Now I need you guys to slowly come down out of that lunge so we’re here. We’re slowly lowering. I don’t want you guys to hurt your knee right here, alright you guys?
Focus. Drive up. Power. Yes! Three, two, last one. Coming right back down. Wonderful. Now, back foot, flatten it out. Take that weight, both hands right here, if you guys need catch your breath, I’ll give you a nice little 10 second breather right here. Inhale and exhale. Now let’s power through this routine. I want you guys to do a nice wood chopper. We’re taking it above, we’re crossing that knee. So what we’re doing, we’re taking that weight by our hip and we’re just going slightly towards the knee that’s out, really using your oblique muscles. Beautiful, you guys.
Now this is a little bit of our upper body involved right here, but we can’t forget about our beautiful arms and our abs, of course. Three, two and one. Straighten out that weight. Lift it overhead. Breathing it in. Curl that back toe right here, lifting up out of that lunge and coming forward. Wonderful, you guys. Coming to the top of your mat, inhale. As you exhale, shift over the weight in the opposite hand right here. Now other foot goes back, switching sides the same move on the other side now, starting with those single leg deadlifts. Here we go. Balancing through that core. Now it doesn't matter how deep you go, what I want you guys do is focus on a flat back, slow and steady and pushing through that heel. Inhale. Three, two, last one.
Take that back foot, plant it right there, slowly coming down, all right? Now, hammer curl. Curl that back toe, lifting up into that lunge, all right?. Here we go. Squeeze that back glute of course, y’all. Nice work. This is what we call power booty because the booty holds the power in many different ways.
Sometimes I really can’t take myself seriously. I like really wish sometimes I could just, like, go absolutely wild on these workout videos because sometimes I'm like, I truly, it's so much like energy and have so much fun out of teaching that I just want to be silly, goofy and be weird. But then I’m like, oh wait, I’m actually like, teaching a workout class, I need to be serious, especially with a strength workout.
Here we go. Oh, gosh. Three, two, last one. Woo, booty’s on fire! Take it down, pause for a hot sec. Remember, I gave you 10 seconds on the other side, but grabbing the weight with both hands right here, here we go, we got those wood choppers. Taking that weight down towards the opposite hip coming up and slowly lower back down. Wood chopper up and right back down. Beautiful. Inhale and exhale. We have four, three, two, hold at the top, and one.
This time, we’re coming right here on our knees. We’re not coming up, come right there on your knees. Breathing in, taking that weight by your chest, I want some kneeling squats. Press up with that booty, squeeze at the top. Nice work. Make your booty look ugly, squeezing it extra tight. Inhale and exhale, let it go. We have six. Nice work, five, four, abs in tight for three, two and last one, swing around onto your booty, weights nearby.
Breathe in and exhale. All right, y’all, coming right here with your feet planted on the mat, we’re going to slowly roll down right here, the weight’s right next to you. Catch your breath. Inhale. As you exhale, carefully place that weight right over your pelvic bone right on top of your hips. Feet come planted a little bit close to your booty, tuck under those hips so you have absolutely no air between your back and the mat. Your weight is secure. Make sure of that.
Now, pick your booty up off the mat. We have some hip bridges right here, O.K.? Starting simple, again, your hips are tucked under, your abs in tight, slow and steady. Now as you lower each vertebrae at a time, hits that mat, great. Four, three, two, same movement in one, pick one foot, bend it right here up off the mat and lift.
Little baby pulse flex. Yes. Same movement. Seven, six, five, four, oh yeah, three, two and one. And switch. Lift it up for 12, 11, 10, get on up there. seven, six, five, four, three, two and one. Lower that foot, lower that booty right here, iInhale. And as you exhale, grab the weight with both hands right here, planting your feet, we’re coming up, we have a weighted sit-up right here, you guys.
So coming up, just working our abs and our upper body just for a hot sec. Making sure we are not neglecting our upper body. Want to make sure we're just getting it a little bit, even if this is your leg day, we. Here we go. Seven, six, power through with those raises, four, three, you got it, two, last one and relax.
As you guys relax, spin around into a high plank. Your weight is right there at the top. Nice work. We're spinning around into that high plank, your weight’s at the top of your mat.
Breathe in, we’re almost there, ya’ll, and exhale. Great. Now as we're on this high plank, feel free to pedal out your feet. Take a nice quick breather in before you’re about to crush this workout. So what you guys are going to do is in that high plank you're going to plant one foot down, the other foot down, pick up that weight and squat it out. A low-impact weighted burpee right here, O.K.?
Plant those hands back down and back to that high plank. Let’s crush it. Continue it with me now. Nice work. Squeeze. Now, we’re not bending down. I don't want you to hunch your back, all right? We’re keeping that nice flat back so we don’t hurt our back, all right? And we’re really taking that strength through our thighs. For three, for two, hold at the top in one.
Holy moly. How are we feeling so far, ya’ll? Let’s take it down for a side tap it out just to slow down that heart rate just a little bit. Shaking out our booties. Shake it out, shake it off. How we feeling?
We’re feeling strong, we’re feeling good? I hope it's a yes. Nice work, you guys, I love you, make sure to stretch it out after this, cool down if you guys want. One of my favorite stretches is just taking your knee from side to side, getting a little bit of that twist in, as well.
And then one of my other favorite ones, if you do any of my other workouts, is take it down for that nice hip opener stretch. So make sure you get just about a minute of stretching in after this, have a lot of stretching videos, as well. My favorite thing to do, as I said, after this workout is to do a nice little walk afterwards just to drain out, you know, drain out your legs.
Shake it out right here. I love you guys, I will see you at your next daily workout. I’m proud of you, you crushed that power booty and legs. Mwah! Bye, ya’ll.