Brianna LaPaglia’s 2025 SI Swimsuit Photo Shoot in La Quinta

Digital trailblazer and podcast host Brianna LaPaglia is best known for her authentic voice, cutting humor and creativity. LaPaglia makes her SI Swimsuit debut as the January digital issue cover model. LaPaglia was photographed by Katherine Goguen at The Austin Estate.
Hi guys, it's Bri LaPaglia. I'm on set right now for my Sports Illsutated digital cover. I'm freaking out. I'm nervous. I'm happy. I'm scared. I'm feeling all the emotions. I can't wait, I'm so excited.
It means so much more to me than like feeling sexy and being in a cool location. I'm allowed to do what I want to do. I'm allowed to do it in any fashion, in any amount of clothes, in front of whoever I want. And no one has the control over you to tell you what you can and cannot do.
To me, this isn't just like 'check it off the bucket list. That was really cool.' This is like reclaiming myself, and that's what this all means to me.