5 Powerful Mantras to Support Your Mental Health for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Model, mom, sound guide and 2024 SI Swimsuit rookie Sharina Gutierrez is on a mission to make the world a more mindful place. The Mama Mantra cofounder uses mantras in her daily practice and believes they are a powerful tool that can act as a reset button, particularly during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
“ Sometimes we get so caught up in being busy, because it’s what we’ve been conditioned to think, that being busy makes us successful, we forget to make time for the real things that matter: family, friends and especially ourselves,” Gutierrez says. “This holiday season, instead of being busy with a to-do list of unimportant tasks, let’s do our best to redirect our focus on being more intentional with what we are putting our energy into.”
Below, Gutierrez provides five effective mantras to practice during the holiday season.
This holiday season, I am moving with purpose and intention
“I use this specific mantra, I move with purpose and intention, for everything that I create in life,” the 2023 Swim Search co-winner says. “So, [acknowledging] the holiday season in front of it makes it more empowering because you’re making it intentional.”
What’s meant for me is entering my life today and will blossom even more beautifully in 2025
“At the end of the day, you really can’t fight fate, what’s meant to be will be,” Gutierrez states. “So, I think another thing that people can focus on is ... what’s meant for you will always be yours in divine timing.”
It’s O.K. to disconnect, to reconnect with myself this season
“Disconnect and reconnect with yourself, your needs, replenishing your energy tank so you are able to give your best self to the world,” Gutierrez suggests.
This season will be my greatest yet. I believe it in my heart, I believe it in my mind, and so it will be
“ No matter what has happened this past year, because we all know there’s so much that has happened this year, whether it be positive things or negative things, just know that we can make this last month truly great,” she adds.
My presence is a present, and I give the best version to myself and others this holiday season
“ A nice car, a big house, presents under the tree doesn’t define what love and success truly is,” Gutierrez reminds us. “Always remember, material things and other people’s opinions of you don’t truly matter. The holidays are about being present, and that is the greatest present of all.”